Understanding AWS CloudFormation: Learning AWS for 30 Days. || Day 11


AWS CloudFormation enables us to create various AWS services and AWS infrastructure deployments predictably and repeatedly. AWS CloudFormation is considered an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool as it follows the Principle of IaC.

This blog is part of a 30-day AWS Journey where we will look after the AWS CloudFormation on our day11 of learning.

About CloudFormation

CloudFormation enables us to use the template to create and delete the collection of resources as a single unit.
They specify the resources, their configurations, and the relationships between them. By defining our infrastructure as code, we can version control it, reuse templates, and easily replicate environments.

CFT files can be written in both YAML and JSON format.
CloudFormation gives a feature called Drift detection which will help us to track the change in the resource created using CFT and the current status of the resources.

We can write a Cloudformation template following the Docs before gaining the expertise.

CloudFormation Vs Terraform

Terraform is used in the case of multiple cloud providers or hybrid cloud structures where the resources are split among the cloud providers whereas CloudFormation is used for creating infrastructure in AWS only.

We can store our CFT in our local device and upload it from there or store it on S3 Bucket and use it using Object Link.


In conclusion, AWS CloudFormation is a powerful Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It allows users to create and manage AWS resources and infrastructure deployments in a predictable and repeatable manner.