AWS CI/CD Mastery: Understanding CodePipeline || Day 13


In the journey of learning AWS for 30 days, here on day 13, we will look after the AWS one of the CI/CD services called CodePipeline which is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that will help us to automate the steps required to release our software.


CodeePipeline helps us to automate the build, test, and deployment phases of our software release process. CodePipeline can invoke the both CI and CD part as it is designed to handle both the CI and CD parts of the software release process.

The above fig the overview of how the CI/CD process looks in the AWS services using CodeCommit, CodePipeline, CodeBuild, and Code Deploy.

CodePipeline Overview

Here's a brief overview of how CodePipeline works :

Stages and Actions: A pipeline consists of multiple stages, and each stage contains one or more actions and it represents a set of tasks to be executed.

Source Stage: This is the starting point of the pipeline. We specify the source code repository (such as AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, or Bitbucket) from where CodePipeline will pull the latest changes.

Build Stage: In this stage, the source code is built and transformed into deployable artifacts. AWS CodeBuild is commonly used for this purpose, though other build tools can also be integrated.

Test and Deploy Stage: The artifacts generated in the build stage can be deployed to a testing environment and when the testing is passed we can deploy the application using CodeDeploy or AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or AWS Lambda

CodePipeline Prons and Cons

CodePipeline supports the CD part by providing integration with deployment services like AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, or AWS Lambda.
In this way, CodePipeline brings both CI and CD together in a single, automated workflow.

Some of the key features of Code Pipeline:
1. CodePipeline can be easily integrated with a wide range of AWS services and third-party tools.
2. CodePipeline can scale to accommodate your requirements.
3. CodePipeline itself manages the various resources and makes it easier as it manages the Infrastructure and integration aspects by AWS itself.
4. CodePipline supports the Pay-as-You-Go model which will help the small startup business.

Some of the Limitations of CodePipeline:
1. CodePipeline is tightly integrated with AWS services and it cannot be used in the hybrid cloud model
2. Even though CodePipeline supports integration with various testing tools, it lacks built-in advanced testing capabilities.


In conclusion, CodePipeline is a powerful continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS). Through its seamless integration of both CI and CD processes, CodePipeline enables developers to automate the steps required for a software release.